Saturday, February 15, 2025
Miltonvale Area News

Mount Liberty


The snow continues to be a problem for anyone out in the elements. As I write this the weather people tell us there is still 7 inches of snow on the ground. Of course there are still drifts much more than that and with a few days with some melting the drifts are very hard when they freeze again. The streets in town are in pretty good shape and rural roads are mostly cleared. If there are drifts at the edge they will sure get muddy when the snow melts. The blade men have done a good job of cleaning the roads so most will not get real muddy. I'm sure pushing snow isn't real easy when everything is white and you can't tell for sure where you are. Moving all your bales to a stackyard is sometimes a good idea but I have seen too many lines of bales go up in smoke and a burning bale pile is almost impossible to extinguish.


Many churches including ours has not had services the first three Sundays of the year . The first two Sundays found too much snow to get around and the third was a brutally cold morning. We haven't used any LP gas so far this year but we hope to have services this Sunday.


Seems like there has been an increase of crime lately by stealing a whole truckload of food. Some semi loads of meat disappeared from some distribution centers. Lately a truckload of cheese weighing 24 tons and worth $390,000 was stolen. It was thought to be a gang from France involved there. All of those would have to be an organized group as things like meat don't have a really long shelf life.


You have probably seen videos of a skunk or other wild animal with its head caught in a can or jar. Recently we found a cat with its head caught in a can. Kevin headed to rescue it but that was no easy task. A barn cat isn't easy to work with anyway but if they have spent some time wandering around a field in the dark it doesn't calm it down any. And their front legs are full of claws and they can reach quite a ways. Most cans have a smooth edge but the dangerous ones are the newer ones that you pull off the top instead of using a can opener. That leaves a smaller opening where their head can get caught. After about 5 minutes it was released from a sure death.


Hang in there. The snow and ice will melt!