The snow that fell over three weeks ago set records for the most snowfall in one day. The 1959-60 school year was hampered by so much snow over that school year that most schools lost almost four weeks of school time. My dad was the Delphos Grade School principal and was worried that school would run past the middle of June to make up the time lost. The state board voted to give two weeks back to schools for time lost and school was able to end in May instead of June.
Happy Birthday to: McKenzie Beals, Ron Olson, Sandy Tate, Andralea Davis, Carla Smith, Kassie (Willard) Mulligan, Pat Jensen, Elaina Spencer, Grace Spencer, Calvin Schultz, Daniel Hutabarat, Devita Beals, Mitchell Sipe, Cheryl Dulohery
We send our prayers and get-well wishes to: Linda Shepard, Calvin Schultz, Gary Turner, Terry Tate, Nancy Crowl, Kyle Stolzenburg, Eric Stevenson and their caregivers.
Sunday, February 2, is “Ground Hog Day.” Wonder if he will see his shadow this year!