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Food 4 Kids program receives grant from CFCC

The Kansas Food Bank is honored to announce receipt of a grant from the Community Foundation for Cloud County to support the Food 4 Kids weekend backpack program.
The Food 4 Kids program provides kid-friendly, nutritious weekend food packets for children who experience chronic hunger. Our school partners in Cloud County help distribute the packets discreetly to the children in need every Friday. By eliminating hunger over the weekend, the children come to school Monday morning ready to learn. The packets are available at no charge to the families or the school district.
Due to the pandemic, we also are able to adapt packet distributions. Whether children are in the classroom, learning remotely at home or a hybrid of the two, they will receive their food packets regardless of where they are learning.
A child will not necessarily tell you that he doesn't have enough food at home, but observation of patterns and/or behavior will set them apart. For example: A chronically hungry child will be anxious for a meal to be served; they may rush the cafeteria line or show up early for breakfast; they'll eat any food placed before them; they may linger around for seconds or even ask for more.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture defines food insecurity as households that are uncertain of having, or unable to acquire, enough food to meet basic needs of all their members because of insufficient money or other resources. When the parent or guardian of a child has to choose between food and other necessities, e.g., having electricity shut off because they don't have enough money, it is an indicator of food insecurity.
Weekend food insecurity is the reason for the Food 4 Kids program. Any child who exhibits these behaviors is considered a candidate for receiving a Food 4 Kids packet.
The Kansas Food Bank is grateful for the partnership with the Community Foundation for Cloud County to feed children in need.


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Concordia, KS 66901