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Letter to the Editor 10-21-22

To the editor,
I'm hearing that a group of people want us to declare this a Christian nation. This is very disconcerting to me. Christianity isn't something you just declare. It is a very personal decision that doesn't come from the head but from the heart of each individual. They believe in Christ and want to follow Him. That's where the word Christian comes from and He says “Love one another as I have loved you” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Germany tried to “purify” their nation by killing thousands of Jews but they lost the war. It didn't work.
We have groups in the U.S. that are trying to do this. They want no Jewish, Asian or Black people. I thought our nation was different. We used to be a melting pot that welcomed all who came to our shores. That's how our nation was built. Not by keeping people out, but accepting them with open arms. Now we have groups that call themselves White Supremacists or Christian Nationalists so they can draw in Christians. May I remind them that Jesus was a Jew and Christians are followers of Christ. We can't believe for anyone else nor should we condemn those who don't believe as we do. We have freedom of religion in this far. Let's keep it that way.
Many parts of the world don't have the freedoms we have and that is why we have so many people streaming to our country. They are fleeing from one person autocracies that rule everything and demand obedience.
So think very carefully what being declared a Christian Nation means. It sounds good but could be a step to losing our democracy if only a few or perhaps one person can make all decisions. We are a nation of liberty and justice for all, so let's not lose this.
We are a “melting pot” and let's not become a “pressure cooker.”
Nona Hedstrom


Concordia Blade-Empire

510 Washington St.
Concordia, KS 66901