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Letter to the Editor 11-4-22

Dear editor,
Under the Biden administration, we have rising inflation at 8.5%, causing purchasing power of essential products and services to be considerably less than under Trump at 2.2 % or less. Energy prices are on the rise again and should Democrats retain majority of federal-legislative powers following midterm elections, I predict the sky will be the limit where fuel/energy prices are concerned. Why is that, because President Biden wants to eliminate all reliable, fossil fuels, hoping to discourage consumption and replacing them with unreliable, alternative energy sources, which by the way, need fossil fuel energy to  maintain. Also under Biden, we have had the Afghanistan, U.S. military-exit disaster and now $60 billion to prop up Ukraine which threatens to become a nuclear event while our southern border remains under assault and out of control! We have had an upward surge now approaching 3 million illegal migrants under Biden and company (during  2021-2022) which threatens our national sovereignty and tramples on the constitutional rights of legal, citizen taxpayers and border landowners. Illegal migrants have been transported to many, various locations across America with an additional 750,000 who avoided being apprehended and thus were not vetted for undesirable or criminal behavior. As a result of our overrun southern border, human smuggling, sex trafficking of adults and children has been rampant, as well as major drug smuggling that is killing multiple thousands of Americans due to the deadly nature of Fentanyl that funds dangerous drug cartel activity.
Violent crime is on the rise as a result of the Democrat, policy promotion of "Defund the Police," and according to Second Amendment sources, Governor Laura Kelly consistently vetoes pro-gun legislation.
The devastating effects of long-term, Covid-related, school lock down, by mostly Democrat governors including Governor Kelly, has hurt our school children and caused an exodus of many thousands of public school children out of the system. Critical Race Theory, promoting the concept of transgender, pronoun usage, and allowance of male students in female locker rooms, and vice versa, has only added to the confusion and insult against what should be a safe, honorable and emotionally-healthy education.
There are many other issues that I could add but readers can do their own homework by going online to search out other facts that show how the policies of Blue State, political leaders like Biden surrogate, Laura Kelly (not a moderate) has wreaked havoc on many fronts. Republican governors, mayors and other elected officials have not embraced these concepts on a wide scale basis as has Governor Laura Kelly and other Democrat Party leaders. I would therefore like to suggest marking the ovals (going down the ballot) for Republican candidates on November 8th as our nation is in dire need of some political repositioning and  correction. I also personally recommend a yes vote on ballot Amendments 1 and 2 as well as retaining only Supreme Court Justice Caleb Stegall and Court of Appeals Judge, Kim R. Schroeder, who would lean more toward a philosophy of constitutional conservatism.
Please remember the Biblical truth stating that "Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people." If we have not perceived that by now, then we are woefully asleep at the wheel and cannot expect to be blessed as a nation.
Carolyn Simms, Republic, Kansas


Concordia Blade-Empire

510 Washington St.
Concordia, KS 66901