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Letter to the Editor 4-23-21

Dear editor,
Not long ago there was a person on a news program speaking about racism in America. She was saying that America is fundamentally racist. Our founding documents and laws were racist. Our cultural values and early writings are racist. Our Christian heritage is racist.
Reform is not possible in such a situation. For example, you cannot reform a belief in God with atheism; you cannot reform a cat into a dog. It is either one or the other. What these people are seeking is a revolution, not reform.
This was eye opening and alarming. In my mind the riots and unrest in America were due to those who felt victimized by society. I believed their goal was reform. However, over time it has now become clear that what they want is a new society based on their values and a government that guarantees their values. This is not reform; that's revolutionary.
What do you think? Do you believe that America is racist to its core and that the revolutionaries are right and justified?
Bill Walsh
Concordia, Kan.


Concordia Blade-Empire

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Concordia, KS 66901