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Letter to the Editor 6-10-22

Dear editor:
Anyone who reads the Blade regularly knows that it is ideologically on the left. The editorials are all from left leaning schools professors or liberal newspapers and editorial writers such as Eleanor Clift and Rod Haxton. As the editor of the Blade it is reasonable to believe that you support this policy.
A person can tell the truth, but if he leaves out the whole truth, the result is usually a lie. That would be true when only slanted news story are reported. The same is true when only publishing favorable editorials. The result of this is propaganda. Is that harsh? If it is not propaganda, then what is it? Keeping people uninformed is characteristic of dictatorship.
Until about 1960 this country had a Christian culture. That did not mean that we were a Christian nation. Rather that we simply lived in a Christian culture or ethic. People respected Christianity. Our culture was based on Christian morality. That is now gone, or is going, and we are seeing the results. What used to be considered good is now called evil and what was evil is now called good. The results are seen everywhere and the future is not bright.
Our culture guided individuals and gave us an internal restraint on our behavior. That along with belief in God is now gone, or perhaps it is going. Our internal restraint came through our religious beliefs or our culture. History shows us that when people will not voluntarily control themselves, then they will be controlled.
Look at the results since 1960. Mass shootings are common. There has been an explosion in illicit drug use. Our work ethic is gone or going. There has been a major increase in crime, homelessness, free loaders, violence, abortion, free sex, adultery, pornography, incest, loss of respect for authority, hostility towards Christianity, ridicule of manhood, etc.
Our institutions haven been under attack and are now in need of reform. Just look at the mess of our legal system. The government controls much of our medical system. Our government lies to us and imposes laws and regulations on us by unelected people and judges. Our education system is largely controlled by teachers unions. Elementary schooling is required by law. Yet schools teach things that parents oppose or are kept hidden from parents. The American family is being destroyed in part by a new definition of marriage, disrespect for authority and same sex marriage.
This is where the leftish ideology is leading us. Who knows what they will come up with next?
You have the biggest voice in this community. Be fair. Give voice to the other side. A person does not have to be intelligent to see where this country is headed. It's obvious. Do you really agree with the direction of this nation? That is doubtful. Perhaps you just have not thought it through. Let the truth emerge.
If you print this letter please make your rebuttal on the issue(s), rather than slogans, emotion and personal attack which is characteristic of the left.
Thank you.
Bill Walsh


Concordia Blade-Empire

510 Washington St.
Concordia, KS 66901